Hello. You are probably seeing this message because the webmaster of the site you're viewing has included files from my site on his/her page. This consumes my bandwidth, and is not allowed. You may resolve this in one of the following ways: - Buy access to protected content on my site. The fee is a modest $100 per year, and allows you to directly incorporate my images into your site. You and your viewers will be able to view the protected content without hassle. - Remove direct links to my files, to get rid of authorization request popups. - Copy the desired file, if copyright allows, to your own server, and use your own bandwidth to serve it to your viewers. Frequently-Asked Questions: - Q: Why did you put a pop-up on my page? A: I didn't. I cannot edit your pages. You probably put it there yourself, by pasting the address of an image onto your site. - Q: Couldn't you have emailed me first, instead of just shutting off access? A: No. I have tens of thousands of people linking to files on my site. I could never locate and contact all of them.